Premises Liability

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Hotel Accident and Premises Liability – Details 2021

Hotel Accident

The most common hotel accident in hotel is a slip and fall. The hotel’s legal obligation is to maintain the premises in a reasonably safe condition. This extends both to your room and the common areas. They are subject to the same legal standard as any property owner who invites the public onto their premises. As a hotel guest, you expect the premises to be safe. After all, you are paying top dollar for a room at area hotels. ThisRead More …

Fall Hazards: How to Prevent in Your Workplace in 2021?

Fall Hazards are events. In fact, fall accidents are responsible for many injury-related deaths every year. These accidents can occur in your home or in your workplace. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Organization, construction workers are at an especially high risk of experiencing a fall accident. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent fall hazards in your workplace while focusing on fall safety. Prevent Falls by Assessing Job-Site Hazards There are a number of steps youRead More …

Is Your Landlord Responsible for Common Outdoor Areas?

Is Your Landlord Responsible

Is Your Landlord Responsible? One of the advantages of renting a property over buying or owning one is that the property owner is responsible for the ongoing maintenance of your home or office. If there are outdoor areas that are used by multiple units, such as a garden, a backyard, a swimming pool, or simply a stairwell or walkway, it is the landlord’s responsibility to keep those areas in good repair and free of debris or obstacles. If the propertyRead More …

Slip and Falls in Grocery Stores: What Causes in 2021?

Slip and Falls in Grocery Stores

Grocery stores are common sites for Slip and Falls in Grocery Store’s accidents. While the cartoon banana peel comes quickly to mind, there are a number of other causes of these embarrassing and potentially painful accidents. Common Grocery Store Hazards As soon as you get out of your car, you could slip and fall on snow or ice that has not been properly removed or sanded. There also could be soapy water from a recent clean-up or a spill thatRead More …

5 Common Construction Site Injuries for Passerby – 2021

A picture of ongoing construction of a tall office building

Construction worksites are not just a danger for those who work on them. The dislocation and disruption caused by these sites also jeopardize the safety of passerby and other people in the area. Here are some common things that can Construction Site Injuries passerby near a construction site: Falling Debris When workers are on the upper floors of a construction site, they may not be able to control all the debris. This could include various types of building material. WhenRead More …

Escalator Accidents Can Cause Serious Injuries – 2021

Escalators in a building

The constant moving parts and machinery in escalators can be dangerous for the people who ride on them. Escalator accidents happen more often than you think. When they do, one of our personal injury lawyers could work with you to try to obtain financial compensation. The Consumer Products Safety Commission has estimated that there are roughly 10,000 emergency room visits each year attributed to escalator accidents. While escalator deaths are rare, injuries are not. There are a number of injuriesRead More …

Can You Sue After a Slip and Fall Outside Your Apartment?

Slip and Fall Outside Your Apartment

Once you leave your Los Angeles apartment. You face a number of risks like Slip and Fall Outside Your Apartment before you make it off the property. One of these is the chance that you may slip and fall. If this occurs on the landlord’s property, you may be entitled to financial compensation in a premises liability lawsuit. Your Landlord’s Legal Obligations to Keep You Safe Your landlord is legally responsible for maintaining the area outside your apartment. These areasRead More …

Escalator Accidents: What You Need to Know About in 2021?

Escalators in a building

Escalator Accidents provide an easy way to travel between floors of multi-level buildings, shopping centers, and other commercial properties. They are especially useful for those who are unable to use stairs as a result of some sort of disability or health condition. While you may step on an escalator without giving it a second thought, accidents involving escalators injure a significant number of people every year. If you have been hurt in an escalator accident, it’s imperative that you contactRead More …

Parking Lot Slip and Falls – Full Information In 2021

Parking Lot Slip and Fallsuries include

Parking Lot Slip and Falls can lead to severe injuries resulting from falling on the pavement. Common causes of these injuries include:  Ice, snow, or rain collecting in the parking lot  Water and other spills by others Debris and garbage in the parking lot  Inadequate lighting and signs warning of obstacles in the parking lot  Defects in the pavement such as potholes and cracks Drivers inability to see when backing in or out of parking spaces  Determining liability for parkingRead More …

Premises Liability Case Frequently Asked Questions

Slip and Fall Outside Your Apartment

California’s Civil Code section 3-1714 states that owners and occupiers of property have a duty to maintain the premises in a reasonably safe condition. California law places an affirmative duty on property owners and occupiers to routinely inspect the premises and make dangerous conditions safe. If you have some questions about the Premises Liability Case here are the Frequently Asked Questions. What Elements Must Be Proven in a Premises Liability Case? To receive compensation for injuries resulting from an unsafe condition,Read More …