What kind of evidence do I need for a personal injury claim?

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Slip and Falls in Grocery Stores: What Causes in 2021?

Slip and Falls in Grocery Stores

Grocery stores are common sites for Slip and Falls in Grocery Store’s accidents. While the cartoon banana peel comes quickly to mind, there are a number of other causes of these embarrassing and potentially painful accidents. Common Grocery Store Hazards As soon as you get out of your car, you could slip and fall on snow or ice that has not been properly removed or sanded. There also could be soapy water from a recent clean-up or a spill thatRead More …

Evidence in a Personal Injury Claim

The inside of a courtroom

Evidence in any legal proceeding is required to prove a Personal Injury Claim. Each case, whether criminal or civil, requires a certain standard of proof to be applied in the proceedings. These standards of proof provide the extent to which a party must prove alleged facts to receive a judgment in its favor.  Types of Standards of Proof  The three common standards of proof seen in any court case include beyond a reasonable doubt, a preponderance of the evidence, andRead More …