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Getting an Accident Settlement in a Covid-19 World
Why do Insurance Companies Pay Personal Injury Settlements? Accident Settlement in a Covid-19 The business model of an insurance company is to pay as little money to resolve personal injury claims in Los Angeles and to do that as late as possible. Insurance companies want to hold their personal injury settlement money as long as they can. They simply don’t have the capital to pay all of their claims right now so they pay the claims as they move toRead More …
Personal Injury Claim: Can You File During Covid-19?

Personal Injury Claim The COVID-19 pandemic seems to have brought nearly everything in America to a screeching halt. Even businesses that are attempting to return to some semblance of normal are making substantial changes to the pre-pandemic normal and have been slow to start. Nevertheless, some aspects of life continue as normal, such as the risk of personal injuries. If you recently sustained a personal injury, you might be wondering if you need to wait until this crisis has subsidedRead More …