Should You Settle Your Slip and Fall Case On Your Own

Many people think that handling their own accident settlement negotiation is a way to get more money for themselves after your injury in a slip-and-fall. This is not always the case. In fact, not having a lawyer might not increase your own proceeds, but it could jeopardize your settlement entirely. So you Should Settle Your Slip and Fall Case with a lawyer. Allow us to explain.
Attorneys Can Help When it Is Time to Determine Liability
This question is phrased by asking whether you should negotiate your own settlement. The first thing to realize is that there may not be a settlement at all without a personal injury attorney on your side. This is because you must first demonstrate your legal entitlement to a settlement. This happens when you can show that someone else is at fault for your injuries.
It is not always a foregone conclusion that someone else was negligent. The insurance company would first need to determine that someone else was at fault. First, they need to talk to you to get your statement and side of the story. Without a lawyer on your side, you may end up saying something against your own interest that can keep you from getting compensation.
Why You Need Help Valuing Your Claim
Even if you end up receiving compensation, you are best off allowing a lawyer to negotiate your slip-and-fall settlement. The main reason is that you might not know what your claim is worth working on your own. Your claim could include damages for the following:
- Medical bills
- Lost wages
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional trauma
The catch is that you need to know how to value your own claim. This is something that is very difficult for a layman. The insurance company knows well what they are doing because they have armies of adjusters, statisticians, and attorneys on their side. Hiring a lawyer is a way of equalizing some of the information advantages that an insurance company has over you.
When you do not have a lawyer, the insurance company may try to take extra liberties in settlement negotiations. They do not have the fear that you could sue them in court, so they could try to lowball your offer. Hiring an attorney shows the insurance company that you mean business, and they may take you more seriously.

It usually takes some back-and-forth while you and the insurance company exchange multiple rounds of offers and counteroffers. There is a skill in negotiating with an insurance company that comes from years of experience. They are hoping that you jump to take their offer, knowing full well that they have not made their best offer first. An attorney would advise you whether the offer accurately reflects your true damages and whether the settlement is in your best interests. If not, they will file a lawsuit on your behalf.
Settle Your Slip and Fall Case Lawyers Who Can Help You
The Los Angeles lawyers at Jahrmarkt & Associates have a long track record of assisting clients in dealing with insurance companies who Settle Your Slip and Fall Case. We know the games that insurance companies can play and how to counteract them. Call us at (310) 226 7676 or contact us online to schedule your free initial consultation.