Personal Injury Claim: Can You File During Covid-19?

Personal Injury Claim
The COVID-19 pandemic seems to have brought nearly everything in America to a screeching halt. Even businesses that are attempting to return to some semblance of normal are making substantial changes to the pre-pandemic normal and have been slow to start.
Nevertheless, some aspects of life continue as normal, such as the risk of personal injuries. If you recently sustained a personal injury, you might be wondering if you need to wait until this crisis has subsided to file your claim or even if you can file a claim at all.
The first thing to be aware of is that despite the health concerns of this crisis, insurance companies are still operating, and you can meet with an experienced Los Angeles personal injury attorney remotely to get your case started.
California’s Personal Injury Statute of Limitations
Not only do you have the ability to file a personal injury claim during the coronavirus outbreak, but you could also jeopardize your case by not doing so. California law only allows injured plaintiffs a certain amount of time to file their injury claims. Also known as the statute of limitations, this window is two years from the date that the injury was sustained.
You should not wait until that deadline is nearing to reach out to a Los Angeles personal injury lawyer, however, many steps need to be completed before a personal injury case can be filed. If you wait until the COVID-19 pandemic is over to pursue your personal injury claim, it could be too late. Once this deadline has expired, you have no civil remedies to obtain compensation for your damages.
Courts and COVID-19
The state of the nation put nearly all courts in a holding pattern, especially those that weren’t dealing with urgent or time-sensitive matters. While many courts have begun in-person hearings or are using teleconferencing for hearings, there will be quite a backlog of cases. However, most personal injury cases settle before either party sets foot in a courtroom.
What this means for you is that COVID-19 may not delay your claim at all and that you should not wait to contact Los Angeles, personal injury attorney. Your lawyer and the insurance company can work together behind the scenes to settle your case without ever making an appearance in a courtroom. With necessary coronavirus precautions in place, your claim can move forward, almost as if the nation was not dealing with this pandemic.
Schedule a Case Consultation with an Experienced Los Angeles Personal Injury Claim Lawyer
COVID-19 has prevented many Americans from doing the things they need and love to do. However, it should not keep you from filing a personal injury claim. Since there is little to no effect on your personal injury claim, do not wait to reach out to an experienced Los Angeles personal injury attorney to discuss your case. Schedule your case consultation at Jahrmarkt & Associates by calling (310) 226-7676 or sending us an email through our online contact form.