5 Common Injuries During the Holidays – Full Guideline

While the holidays are a special time for families to spend together, they also present some unique dangers. Here are five Common Injuries that occur during the holiday season. Some of these may put you in a position where you could file a personal injury lawsuit and receive compensation for your injuries.
Cuts from Scissors and Defective Gifts
Believe it or not, the simple practice of opening gifts can even present a danger. You can cut yourself with scissors or anything else sharp that you are using to cut the wrapping paper or the packaging. Some products can be defective and can have sharp edges in their packaging that can cause you and your family to receive lacerations. Children’s toys can be defective in that they can cause cuts and injuries to kids playing with them.
One of the Common Injuries like Car Accident Injuries
Unfortunately, people exhibit worse judgment around the holiday time in the name of celebration. One horrible mistake that more people make during the holidays is getting behind the wheel after they have been drinking. This endangers everyone else on the road. You can file a civil lawsuit against someone who has injured you or a loved one in a DUI accident. In addition, other motorists are driving negligently as they are speeding to make it to a destination on time.
The holiday season means that many families are working around the Christmas tree and building elaborate lights displays. Lights mean electricity, and thousands of people each year suffer from electrocutions. Some of these can lead to severe injuries. These injuries can include:
- Thermal burns,
- Muscle, nerve, and tissue damage
- Cardiac arrest
Anyone working with electrical devices needs to check the cord before they plug it into the socket and needs to be careful to keep drinks and anything wet away from electrical devices.
Many people are up on ladders, whether it is for decorating the tree or hanging holiday lights. Ladders can be dangerous, and many people end up falling from the ladders. Sometimes, it is because they simply do not know how to use the ladder properly. Other times, they may suffer an injury because the ladder is defective. Regardless, ladder falls are particularly dangerous because some could land on their head or suffer spinal cord injuries.

Slip and Fall Injuries
Slip and Fall Injuries are the Common Injuries During the holiday season, many heads to the shopping malls and stores to handle their Christmas shopping list. Some of these stores have unsafe and slippery conditions. Shopper falls increase during the holidays when the stores are more crowded. When you have been injured on the premises of another, and you are a customer or invited guest, they could be held legally responsible.
Experienced Los Angeles Common Injuries Lawyers
When your holiday injury was someone else’s fault, you may be entitled to financial compensation. Contact the Los Angeles personal injury lawyers of Jahrmarkt & Associates to learn more about your legal rights when you have been hurt during the holiday season. Contact us online or call us at (310) 226 7676 to schedule your free initial consultation.