Who Is Responsible for the Common Areas of Your Apartment Building?

The apartment building you live in is your home, and you naturally want to feel safe in your own home and someone Responsible for the Common Areas of Your Apartment Building. The common areas in your apartment building are an extension of your home. Your landlord has to keep these areas reasonably safe for you, other apartment dwellers, and your guests. Accidents that occur in common areas can be exceptionally dangerous and should not be overlooked or downplayed. If your landlord or apartment manager’s negligence leaves you injured in a common-area accident, don’t put off consulting with an experienced Los Angeles personal injury attorney.
If You See Something, Say Something
Your landlord or the manager of the apartment building you live in is responsible for keeping the building, the apartments, and the common areas in reasonably safe repair. This responsibility amounts to paying adequate attention to these parts of the property and making repairs as needed (reasonably safe repair here refers to a level of safety that is on a par with what other reasonable people in similar situations would employ). This being said, if you see something that looks like it could be a problem or a safety concern in your building, it’s a good idea to let the person in charge know – making safety your top priority is always in your best interest.
Which Areas Are Common Areas?
When it comes to identifying common areas in your apartment building, it typically boils down to common sense. Common areas are those areas on the premises that residents and their guests commonly use and can include all of the following:
- Outdoor walkways, parking lots, courtyards, stairwells, pools, the roof (if accessible to residents), and elevator banks
- The building’s lobby, trash room, party room, stairwells, and elevators
- Building-adjacent alleys (if accessible to residents)
The Building’s manager is responsible for keeping all these common areas – and any others that apply – reasonably clean and secure for residents and their guests.
California Landlords Are Responsible for Securing Common Areas
It’s long been established in the State of California that landlords owe a duty of care to their residents, which includes taking reasonable steps to secure all common areas. These actions include making periodic inspections of the property – searching for unsafe conditions – and taking all reasonable precautions to help prevent injuries from arising out of any hazardous conditions discovered (or from arising out of any of the unsafe conditions that reasonably should have been discovered). This responsibility extends to keeping common walkways well lit, keeping doors securely locked, and keeping walking surfaces cleared of debris and in good repair – to name a few.
Seek the Help You Need from an Experienced Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorney Today
If your landlord’s negligence causes you to be injured in a common area of your apartment building, the personal injury lawyers at Jahrmarkt & Associates – proudly serving Los Angeles and all surrounding areas – have extensive experience helping clients like you recover fully on their damages. Our dedicated legal team is on your side, so please don’t hesitate to contact us online or call us at 310-226-7676 to schedule a free case evaluation today.