Drunk Driving Accidents

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Watch Out for Drunk Driving Accidents During the Holidays

Drunk Driving Accidents

The time between the end of October and the beginning of January is an exciting time of year as many favorite holidays take place including Halloween, New Year’s, and everything in between. However, holiday excitement can mean an increase in revelry and alcohol consumption. This increase in partying heightens the risk of severe injuries and deaths resulting from Drunk Driving Accidents. In fact, between 2013 and 2017, 131 people on average died as a result of an alcohol-related accident onRead More …

Drunk Driving Accidents Can Disrupt Your Labor Day Weekend

A group of people toasting with drinks

Each year, many people across the United States enjoy a three-day weekend to celebrate Labor Day. This holiday weekend marks the unofficial changing of the seasons, and many families see this as the opportunity to have a barbecue, boat outing, or camping trip. Some people use the long weekend as an excuse to stay out late on Sunday night and have drinks with friends since they don’t have to work on Monday.  No matter how you plan to celebrate thisRead More …