Car Accidents

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How Much is Your Car Accident Claim Worth in 2021?

paramedics unloading a patient from an ambulance

Perhaps the most common question asked by those who are injured in a car accident claim is how much their claim worth is. For injured individuals who are facing mounting medical bills and not currently going to work and earning a paycheck, this is an extremely pressing question. Unfortunately, there is no easy answer. The value of your claim is based on many factors, some out of your control. The best way to determine how much compensation you could receiveRead More …

Uber Accident: Protecting Your Rights – Full information 2021

view from the backseat of a moving car

According to the University of Chicago, the rate of traffic deaths grew by 2-3% in cities after introducing Uber Accident and other ride-sharing apps. Even worse, this means more than 1,100 deaths. Any type of car accident can be extremely shocking and even disorienting. When you are riding in a stranger’s car and are paying for your ride, it can be even more confusing and unnerving. The steps you take immediately after and even several months into the future canRead More …

Can You Recover Compensation After a Hit-and-Run Accident?

a damaged car after a collision

Recover Compensation After a Hit-and-Run Accident The Insurance Research Council (IRC) estimated in 2015 that 13 percent of all drivers in America were uninsured. If an uninsured driver causes an accident, they are more likely to leave the scene before it is legal for them to do so. For insurance purposes, a hit and run accident are treated like an accident in which the negligent party did not have auto insurance. The problem with uninsured drivers and hit and runRead More …

Injured by Drunk Driver: Secret Revolved 2022 – injurylawyersgroupla

A damaged crash barrier along a roadway

If you have taken every precaution to drive safely and are Injured by Drunk Driver, it can be a disconcerting experience. Being hit by an intoxicated driver usually involves physical injuries as well, such as aches, pains, or in some cases, more severe injuries. Some are long-lasting injuries that can prevent you from functioning at your full potential, no matter what you are doing. If you believe you should be compensated for your injuries and losses, you are correct. ARead More …